Imagery and Remote Sensing


Enhance your ability to understand the planet and the problems you face by putting these massive data volumes to work using powerful mapping, geospatial analytics, geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI), and modeling tools. 

Analyze imagery on global and local scales

Observe and analyze our planet to extract answers faster utilizing advanced image analysis at scale, including feature extraction using GeoAI, change detection, and time-series analysis. Perform all of this with a variety of data types such as ortho imagery, street-level imagery, motion imagery, lidar, and radar. 

Speed up feature extraction using GeoAI

GeoAI applies spatial machine learning and deep learning techniques to help you solve complex problems and derive deeper insights in innovative ways. Use large collections of images and leverage vast computing power to speed up your feature extraction tasks such as finding impervious surfaces, identifying segments, and classifying imagery. Leverage out-of-the-box pretrained deep learning models to jump-start your workflows.

Tools for a variety of workflows

Quickly understand the landscape and relationships by examining pixels within small or massive imagery collections using image analysis. Depending on the size of your data, process analysis on your desktop or scale up with distributed computing in the cloud.

  • Model the flow of water across a surface
  • Analyze terrain or surfaces from the ground
  • Examine distance and proximity
  • Find the most suitable place
Detect change across two or more images

Change detection is one of the fundamental applications in imagery and remote sensing. It helps you compare two or more raster datasets to determine the type, magnitude, and location of change. Use our solution to analyze change in built and natural environments. Better understand urban growth, habitat loss, and long-term climatological or environmental trends.

Extract insights over space, time, height, depth, and more

Scientific data often represents geophysical, environmental, climatological, or atmospheric phenomena that occur over space (two dimensions), time (another dimension), and/or height or depth (two more dimensions). Simplify the analysis of these complex datasets with our solution. Find anomalies, analyze trends over time, and perform predictive analytics to extract actionable insights.

Process your analysis on-the-fly

Apply on-the-fly processing directly to the imagery and raster datasets at your specified scale and resolution. This enables you to quickly visualize the results without creating intermediate datasets. You can tweak your parameters to view changes in real time and obtain actionable insights. Access over 150 raster functions that can be chained together to create several raster processing chains to complete your workflow.

Analyze data at a global scale

Raster analytics is a powerful piece of technology that takes your analysis to the next level. It enables rich processing that is massively extensible and scalable. Large processing and analysis jobs are split to enable efficient use of parallel computing and distributed storage. It is designed to work on your hardware and on the cloud—what used to take hours can now be done in a matter of minutes.